Why not Template-Assisted Crystallization?
The truth is, Template-Assisted Crystallization (or TAC) works--when conditions are right--but it's simply not practical. These...
Recipe: Melon Splash
Ingredients: 1 cup cantaloupe pieces 1 cup watermelon pieces 1 cup honeydew pieces 2 quarts filtered or spring water Directions: 1....
What is Reverse Osmosis?
Most experts agree that Reverse Osmosis or ‘RO’ systems excel at removing water impurities. Short of distillation, no other water...
Recipe: Kiwi Fresh
Ingredients: 3-4 ripe kiwis, peeled and thinly sliced (or crushed for more flavor) 2 quarts filtered or spring water Directions: Add...
What are Scale-free and Electromagnetic Solutions
Electro-magnetic water conditioning systems have been around since the 1990’s. Many of these systems use a simple electro-magnet and/or a...
What is Hard Water?
It’s estimated that at least 85% of the United States has what most refer to as “hard water”. Hard water forms as water sits or flows...