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Why not Template-Assisted Crystallization?

The truth is, Template-Assisted Crystallization (or TAC) works--when conditions are right--but it's simply not practical. These expensive, bulky systems perform in perfect laboratory conditions; but rarely work as effectively under the stop and go demands of your home. Unlike TAC, our ChemfreeH2O system covers your entire home, costs far less, and requires little or no maintenance. Most importantly, our efficacy claims are based on independent testing performed on the very system we install in your home, not second hand comparisons or assertions that it's 'like' or 'the same as' a laboratory tested system.

TAC devices depend on the premise of providing a unique surface, over which water can flow, and upon which carbonate scale will preferentially deposit (hopefully before it flows into your home). Systems that employ this process force water entering your home to flow through tanks of polymer beads. These surfaces of these resin beads have been chemically treated so that calcium and magnesium ions bind to the them through a process called nucleation.

Testing performed by Arizona State University and the German Water Standards Organization (DVVM) have shown that the TAC process performs well in laboratory tests. One major limitation in this technology, however, is that the suspended calcium and magnesium ions in the water must contact the polymer beads for nucleation to occur. This requires a much larger volume of beads for the average consumer than many system manufacturers might concede; and is a primary reason why TAC manufacturers often sell their systems in bulky, 3-6-9-12 room capacities.

Another limitation is that water entering a TAC system must be supersaturated with free magnesium or calcium for it to work. In other words, water must have a high level of these elements present in the water. even when these conditions are perfect even then, it might only reduce them to normal saturation levels. This means it can’t help with scale formation on high temperature surfaces where calcium and magnesium are less soluble; and it can’t remove the hardness to a level where it won’t combine with soaps to leave scum or leave scale deposits where evaporation occurs.

Unlike Template Assisted Crystallization, the ChemfeeH2O system won’t impede the flow of water into your home, forcing water to flow over resin beads in hopes of eliminating the minerals present in your water. Instead, it simply shatters elements like calcium into tiny nano-particles, physically incapable of forming scale on a surface. Beneficial minerals are still present in your water, giving it a bottled water quality taste, but any deposits simply wipe away.

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