At Healthy Water Concepts, we don’t ask you to take our word for it. We believe a claim is only as worthwhile as the proof that backs it up; so we put the Chemfree H2O system to the test at Arizona State University.
Peter Fox, at ASU’s School of Sustainable Engineering, concluded that:
“Chemfree technology resulted in a stable water after treatment that was neither scale-forming or corrosive. The reduction in free calcium ion concentration could not be attributed to solids formation in the heating bath and was most likely due to the formation of sub-micron calcium carbonate crystals.
The free calcium ion concentration decreased by 30-60% with Chemfree technology while no decrease was observed with the control. This decrease resulted in a decrease of Langelier Index at room temperature to near zero.
Chemfree technology resulted in a 66% reduction in solids formed on the heating element and heating bath as compared to the control. The solids formed with Chemfree technology were not chemically bound to surfaces and were easily cleaned by physical brushing. The solids formed were greater than 90% calcium carbonate.”